One Batch, Two Batch, Penny and Dime

Kinja'd!!! "SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman" (dasborgen)
03/24/2016 at 08:35 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!3 Kinja'd!!! 9



Kinja'd!!! spanfucker retire bitch > SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman
03/24/2016 at 08:43


Thank god for Netflix, because I can’t stand either the DC or Marvel TV shows that are on regular network TV with all of the crummy and crappy content restrictions that come with it.

Kinja'd!!! they-will-know-my-velocity > SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman
03/24/2016 at 08:44


I did quite enjoy this season of Daredevil.

Mainly because Punisher is a dead tie with Deadpool for my favorite comic hero. And I’m really looking forward to a Punisher series now, since I know Bernthal is a damn fine Punisher.

Thomas Jane will always be my Punisher though.

Kinja'd!!! spanfucker retire bitch > they-will-know-my-velocity
03/24/2016 at 08:57


Thomas Jane will always be my Punisher though.

God damn straight.

Kinja'd!!! SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman > they-will-know-my-velocity
03/24/2016 at 09:04


I was convinced with Bernthal from the start, but what sealed the deal for me was his monologue in the cemetery.

It couldn’t possibly be acted better.

Also, the mutual respect between Punisher and DD is very heartwarming.

My favorite scene in the whole season is in Ep10 when DD is fighting a bunch of ninja, Punisher shoots one, DD holds his hand up (as if to say thanks to Frank) and keeps walking towards his goal, and Punisher acknowledging that thanks fro mthe rooftop where he was with his rifle in his hand. That was so cool it had me gushing

Kinja'd!!! they-will-know-my-velocity > SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman
03/24/2016 at 09:45


Yeah, that single tear from Daredevil punched me right in the feels.

Kinja'd!!! Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero > SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman
03/24/2016 at 10:02


Not quite sure why but I’ve never liked Bernthal. Hated him in the walking dead. But him as punisher just fit. I’m really hoping for a punisher series now. And I’m really hoping they start doing actual tie ins between the series rather than just a few references here and there.

Kinja'd!!! Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero > spanfucker retire bitch
03/24/2016 at 10:08


I fell like the flash and arrow are some of the best TV shows on right now. Sure flash is kinda campy but it compliments the darker arrow well.

As for agents of shield I think marvel needs to start tieing it more into the avengers than what they currently do. Hell the avengers still think Phil is dead with the exception of Fury, Maria hill, and not-an-avenger Lady Sif. I mean most if not all of the main players in the avengers are willing to make guest appearances why not do it. I get they are going with more of the inhuman storyline and there will be an inhuman movie but I think the plot of civil war would also tie in nicely to what’s going on in the world of AoS.

Kinja'd!!! SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman > they-will-know-my-velocity
03/24/2016 at 11:02


I rewatched that episode :)

Kinja'd!!! SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman > Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero
03/24/2016 at 11:04


I like the references here and there. it gives you the sense that it’s really NY, which is a big city with a lot happening and it makes sense that these characters don’t cross each other much